HC Deb 22 November 1926 vol 200 c5
3. Colonel DAY

asked the Under-Secretary of State for India what action is being taken by the Indian Government following the recommendations of Mr. A. Patterson, His Majesty's commissioner of prisons, as a, result of his inquiry into gaol conditions in Burma?


A Resolution was published by the Government of Burma on the 9th October reviewing the 24 recommendations made in Mr. Paterson's report and explaining inter alia that as regards five of them, which related to prevention of crime, a representative Committee was to be set up. I shall be glad to send the hon. Member a copy of the Resolution if he so desires.

Colonel DAY

Can the Noble Lord say whether the Committee has yet, been set up?


I should require to have notice of that question. The Resolution referred to stated that the Committee would be set up, and presumably it either has been or is in process of being.