HC Deb 08 July 1926 vol 197 cc2266-7

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether his attention has been called to the discrepancy between a recent Admiralty Order reducing the pay of naval boy shipwrights at present serving in His Majesty's dockyard, Chatham, on their entry into His Majesty's Navy and the statement made in the House on 18th November, 1925, to the effect that naval shipwright apprentices who were already serving on 4th October would, on their joining the Royal Navy, remain on the old scale of pay; and whether, seeing that before these reductions were announced these shipwright apprentices had already signed attestation forms, were over the age of 18, and were borne on the books of H.M.S. "Pembroke" as naval ratings and serving time for pension, he will make it clear how they are affected by these orders?

The FIRST LORD of the ADMIRALTY (Mr. Bridgeman)

I am not aware of any Admiralty Order conflicting with the statement made in the House on the 18th November, 1925, and that statement still represents the intention of the Admiralty.