HC Deb 15 April 1926 vol 194 c479
47 and 48. Mr. AMMON

asked the Postmaster-General (1) the estimated cost of the extended hours of opening of post offices and the amount of business during the extended hours; and whether the business transacted justifies the extra expense;

(2) whether he is aware that certain public authorities have declared that the extended hours of opening of post offices is unnecessary in their districts; and if he will take steps to act on such recommendations?


I regret that full information as to the cost of extending the hours of business at post offices and the amount of business transacted is not at present available. I have received one or two representations from public authorities in the sense indicated but I am not satisfied that axe use made by the public of the additional facility is insufficient to justify its continuance.


Has this extension been made necessary by the policy of the Department, in closing subsidiary post offices.

Viscount WOLMER

No, Sir, it has nothing to do with that question at all. There has been a wide demand, and the Postmaster-General has been able to meet it to a certain extent.


Does not the Department take account of the wishes of the local authorities in regard to the half holiday, and should not those wishes have equal weight in reference to increased hours?

Viscount WOLMER

We always do attach great weight to representations by local authorities. I think we only received representations from three local authorities that these extended hours were not needed.


Will this policy of the Department result in an earlier delivery of letters in the morning?