HC Deb 23 November 1925 vol 188 cc899-900

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies which are the railways in Kenya and Uganda that are being constructed with the loan for £3,500,000 authorised by Parliament in March, 1924; what is the present state of construction of those railways; and whether their cost will be wholly covered by the loan?


The new railways to be constructed under this loan are the following:

  • Turbo-Malaba River (about 75 miles) in Kenya.
  • Mbulamuti-Malaba River (about 110 miles) in Uganda.
  • Tororo-Mbale (say 30 miles) in Uganda.
  • North Kavirondo Branch (say 35 miles) in Kenya.
The first two are now under construction. It was intended to complete the first by December, 1925, and the second by December, 1926. I have no information showing that these expectations will not be realised, but, owing to the late completion of the Uasin Gishu Railway, of which the first in a continuation, and difficulties in transporting construction material up the main line, some delay may occur. The construction of the other two lines will follow. I have no reason to believe that the cost of these lines will exceed the amount provided for new construction under the loan.


May I ask whether any steps have been taken, or are necessary, to recover for the community the increase in land values alongside these railways?


No special steps have been taken.