HC Deb 19 March 1925 vol 181 cc2475-6

asked the Secretary for Scotland whether he is aware that Sean Flood, a prisoner held in this country on behalf of the Northern Government of Ireland, is now lying in the Royal Edinburgh Infirmary in a very bad state of health, and what sentence has been passed on this man, and what is actually his present condition of health?

The SECRETARY for SCOTLAND (Sir John Gilmour)

I regret that in my reply to the hon. Member's question en the 3rd instant it was stated that Sean Flood was then in Peterhead Prison, whereas he had been temporarily transferred a few days previously to Edinburgh Royal Infirmary to be treated for a discharging ear. Flood was sentenced at Enniskillen Assizes on the 13th March, 1922, to 10 years' penal servitude. As regards Flood's health, there is a history of a discharging ear which dates from a period prior to his admission to Peterhead. In Edinburgh Royal Infirmary he has been treated for this by a specialist, who found on examination that no operation was necessary. Flood also has enlarged neck glands, which are tuberculosis in nature; these have been examined by a surgeon, whose opinion is that they should not be treated surgically at the present time; they will receive medical treatment at Peterhead. The medical report on Flood states that he looks and expresses himself as being very well, and he is now almost ready for discharge from the infirmary.


What official gave the information that this man was in Peterhead Prison and in excellent health, as stated in answer to my question?


I am responsible for the answer that was given, and I regret the inaccuracy.


Is the right hon. Gentleman not aware it is within the cognisance of the House that someone has been supplied with that information, and how comes it that the official who gave the right hon. Gentleman the information to give to this House gives the right hon. Gentleman information which is absolutely untrue, and which he ought to have known was untrue?


I must assume full responsibility. I regret that, on looking through the list, as I did personally, I neglected to observe that the man had been transferred within a few days, and, having made subsequent inquiry, I found that he was transferred only a few days before.