HC Deb 20 February 1924 vol 169 cc1725-6

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty whether he is aware that employes without pension rights in His Majesty's dockyards, and particularly those of the generating staff, receive in many cases a wage-rate lower than that recognised by the trades unions for work involving similar skill in the open market; and if he will remove this discrepancy?

The CIVIL LORD of the ADMIRALTY (Mr. Hodges)

The various departments of the dockyards are deemed to be engaged in a common industry, and the wages of the various classes of employes are assessed on this basis. There are doubtless cases of the kind referred to by the hon. Member in which the wages of some of the employes would be improved if the rates recognised in a variety of outside industries were adopted in the dockyards, but this would not be to the advantage of the employes in general, nor suitable to the special circumstances of the dockyards.


Is the hon. Gentleman aware that the generating staff work, 56 hours a week, and will he take steps to remedy this evil, at the same time seeing that no loss of pay ensues on the basis of a 47 hours week?


I am not aware of the facts officially, though I am well aware of them unofficially, and they will be inquired into. The hon. and gallant Member will appreciate that in the dockyards there exists adequate and proper machinery for bringing up cases of this description for treatment.


Does the hon. Member think that his reply is consistent with the Resolution moved in this House by the Labour party'?