HC Deb 31 July 1923 vol 167 c1261

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Transport whether he is able to give figures showing the number of accidents, fatal and otherwise, caused by mechanically-propelled vehicles during the last 12 months for which figures are available in New York and London, respectively?

Colonel ASHLEY

The latest comparable figures that I have been able to obtain are for the calendar year 1922. These show in the Metropolitan Police district that 595 persons were killed and 17,138 were injured by mechanically-propelled road vehicles, whilst, in New York, from figures published in the Press, though not official, 932 persons were killed by mechanically-propelled vehicles, and the total number of persons injured by road vehicles was 28,097. I regret, however, that I am unable to say what number of the injuries included in the latter figure were attributable to mechnically-propelled vehicles.

Lieut.-Colonel CROFT

Is the hon. and gallant Gentleman satisfied that the police take steps to see that motors do not exceed 20 miles an hour in towns?—[HON. MEMBERS: "Ask Curzon!"]


Put that question to your pal at the back.