HC Deb 01 May 1919 vol 115 c310

asked the Home Secretary if he can state the number of dogs in the United Kingdom; the number, or an estimated number, of dogs vivisected during the course of each year without anæsthetic or other precautions capriciously or for profit by dog fanciers; whether all or any premises of dog breeders or fanciers are liable to in spection day and night by Home Office inspectors; and the number of dogs annually destroyed in the United Kingdom with and without anæsthetics?


No exact figures are available as to the number of dogs in the United Kingdom, but it was estimated in 1917 that there were between three and four million dogs in the country. The number at the present is probably less. I have no information as to the number of dogs operated upon by dog fanciers or other persons for other than experimental purposes. The premises of dog breeders or fanciers are not liable to inspection by the Home Office. I am unable to state the number of dogs annually destroyed in the United Kingdom.