HC Deb 05 June 1919 vol 116 c2190
26. Colonel WEDGWOOD

asked the Home Secretary whether he is aware that Percy Hall, an eighteen year old engineer of Melton Mowbray, who developed con sumption during his imprisonment in Wormwood Scrubs for refusing to obey military orders, was released on health grounds without notice, and left to find his way home without help when in an unfit condition; whether he is aware that this boy died on 25th May of tuberculosis; and whether he can see his way to release other conscientious objectors before their health is completely ruined?


This prisoner showed signs of tuberculosis on reception in prison in September last and was treated for it. His health at first improved, but afterwards the disease began to affect the lungs and he was released on medical grounds on 10th December last. He was then perfectly fit to travel by himself. The prison authorities have no information as to his state of health after his release, or as to his death. There is no ground for the suggestion that the health of conscientious objectors has been ruined by imprisonment. They are, of course, subject to illness like other people, but, if an illness appears likely to prove serious, the conscientious objector is released.