HC Deb 11 August 1919 vol 119 cc883-4
81. Mr. ROSE

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Munitions the cost to the State of the residential buildings, hutments, and amenities erected in connection with the Gretna Green explosives factory; and the average number of persons employed from September, 1916, to the end of September, 1918?


The answer to the first part of the question is £1,237,000, and to the second 18,117, including those employed on construction, taking the period of December, 1916, to September, 1918. This figure was included in the sum of £9,184,000 which I gave to the hon. Member on 7th August last.


How many are employed at the factory at present?


I would not give the definite figure, but it is round about 3,000.

82. Mr. ROSE

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Munitions whether the site of the Gretna Green factory was acquired by purchase or on terms of rentals; and the cost of the site of the factory, railways, and roadways, and all land occupied by the State in connection with the undertaking?


The site of the Gretna Green factory was taken over under the Defence of the Realm Act. Terms have been agreed in respect of five-sixths of the area, comprising some 7,700 acres, for £189,000. Until terms have been Settled for the remaining one-sixth of the area now under negotiation I cannot definitely reply to the last part of the question.

Lieut.-Commander KENWORTHY

For what is the factory now used?


It is at present engaged in producing a certain amount of cordite, which will be used for Army requirements.

