HC Deb 26 June 1918 vol 107 cc1052-4

asked the Minister of Munitions the names of the seventeen routes in South-East London on which motor omnibuses receive financial Grants from his Department; on which routes are competing municipal tramways; for how long these financial Grants have been given, and what amount was paid in the year 1917 or the nearest complete year; and will he state if any such Grants have been paid or offered to municipal tramways who have supplied special and extra services for munition workers in South-East London?

The FINANCIAL SECRETARY to the MINISTRY of MUNITIONS (Sir Laming Worthington-Evans)

I will circulate the names of the seventeen routes in the OFFICIAL REPORT. Financial Grants have been made in respect of these services for the twelve months ending 30th June, 1917, amounting to £44,312. No claim has been put forward by the tramway companies, and the question of the payment of a Grant to them has, therefore, not arisen.

The names of the seventeen routes are at follow:

These routes are in competition with the tramways, as follow:


If the tramway authorities put forward any claim for consideration in the same way as the omnibus companies will the hon. Gentleman undertake to consider it?


Of course, I am bound to consider any claim put forward, but the services rendered appear to me to be different.


Has the Minister got authority from the Treasury for this £44,000?


I have no doubt we have, but if the hon. Member wants a very precise answer I must ask for notice.

65 and 66. Mr. GILBERT

asked the Minister of Munitions (1) whether any financial grants to motor omnibus companies have been paid for any districts of London other than the South-east district, and, if so, what districts; and for what districts further negotiations are proceeding for future Grants, and with which motor omnibus companies; (2) whether he will state the average earnings per mile of the motor omnibuses in South-east London and the average earnings of omnibuses in the remainder of the Metropolis on which financial Grants from his Department have been paid; will he state if all the Grants have been paid to one or more motor omnibus companies; and will he give the names of the companies who have received such Grants?


No financial Grants have been paid to motor omnibus companies in any districts of London other than the South-east district, though a number of private hire arrangements exist, whereby certain State-owned factories and controlled establishments in the London area have hired omnibuses for the conveyance of workers to and from places where the travelling facilities are inadequate. The earnings per mile of the omnibuses in South-East London were given to my right hon. Friend in confidence, and I cannot disclose them. The Grants have been made to the London General Omnibus Company, and it is with that company that negotiations are now pending.

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