HC Deb 03 July 1918 vol 107 c1697
20. Colonel WEDGWOOD

asked whether Russian Jews in this country are permitted to join Zionist fighting regiments for Palestine instead of being drafted into Labour Battalions; and, if so, what is being done to encourage such enlistment?


Russian Jews called up for military service under the Anglo-Russian Convention are not eligible for posting to Zionist fighting regiments. They are posted to special units of the Labour Corps.


Would it not be possible to allow these Jews to join Zionist regiments instead of Labour Corps, seeing that they are willing to join Zionist regiments and they are not willing to join Labour Battalions?


I understand that the military authorities have gone carefully into this matter, and, after taking into account all the circumstances, they came to the conclusion that it would be inadvisable to adopt the course suggested.


Is this not a repetition of the War Office treatment of Ireland at the beginning of the War, and could we not have a little more tact and common sense at the War Office?