HC Deb 29 May 1913 vol 53 c332

asked why His Majesty's Government have recognised the Huerta Government in Mexico while the United States Government still refuse such recognition; whether he is aware that the landless peones of Mexico are still struggling against Huerta in order to be free from the people who have acquired their lands from the old Mexican Government; and whether Lord Cowdray has approached the Foreign Office in this matter of early recognition?


His Majesty's Government recognised the Huerta Government because they were advised that such recognition would contribute to the reestablishment of order which was a matter of the first importance to British subjects and British interests in Mexico. The answer to the second question is in the negative. The decision of His Majesty's Government to recognise General Huerta as provisional president, was taken on their own responsibility and quite independent of Lord Cowdray. The French and German Governments have also recognised General Huerta, and in February last the whole diplomatic body attended a reception of General Huerta at which a congratulatory speech was made on their behalf by the American Ambassador.


Are we to understand that Lord Cowdray did not ask to have this recognition and did not approach the Foreign Office with regard to such recognition?


No, Sir, I did not say that. I have had representations from more than one quarter. The recognition was made on our own responsibility, quite independent of Lord Cowdray.