HC Deb 22 July 1913 vol 55 cc1855-6

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether his attention has been called to the case of Mrs. Mary Wyan, who was sentenced at Marlborough Street Police Court to twenty-one days' imprisonment on a charge of assaulting the police; whether he is aware that she was convicted on the evidence of one constable, though this evidence was denied on oath by the prisoner; and whether, as her friends are anxious to bring a charge of false imprisonment against the constable, the Home Office will state the constable's name and number?


My attention has been called to the case, and I have consulted the magistrate He was satisfied, after hearing the evidence given and the prisoner's own statements, that she was guilty of obstruction and assault, but, as she said she did not intend to injure the officer, he was willing to release her on her own recognisances. As, however, she refused to be bound on her own recognisances, he had no alternative but to commit her to prison. If her friends desire to have the name and number of the officer, they should apply in the usual way to the Commissioner of Police.


Will that be given as a matter of course?


I think so. I see no reason why it should not be given, and I assume it would be given in this case.