HC Deb 14 July 1913 vol 55 cc1025-6

Postponed Proceeding on Amendment to Question [27th June], "That the Bill be now read a second time"—[Mr. J. A. Pease], resumed.

Question again proposed.


May I appeal to my hon. Friends to allow the Bill to pass its Second Reading to-night. I understand that the Committee upstairs will tomorrow pass the Bill in conjunction with which this is going forward, and I submit that this Bill should be sent to the same Grand Committee, where I am quite prepared to consider any reasonable suggestions made in the Committee and on Report, and I appeal to the House, as there is a strong opinion in favour of the principal Bill to give me the Second Reading to-night.


I am awfully sorry to have to refuse that Bill, but I do so not because I want to wreck the Bill, but because I think it requires discussion. We have heard only one speech against the Bill so far, and only a very short speech from the right hon. Gentleman on its introduction.

It being Eleven of the Clock the Debate stood adjourned

Debate to be resumed To-morrow (Tuesday)