HC Deb 11 February 1913 vol 48 cc703-4
37. Mr. WATT

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether his attention has been called to the importance of the proposal for a Mid-Scotland canal, which would accommodate war vessels in passing from the Irish Channel to the North Sea; and whether he is prepared to assist financially a preliminary survey to enable engineers to determine the type of soil or rock which would be met with on the proposed route, or whether such financial assistance might be got from the Development Fund?


asked the Secretary for Scotland whether he will endeavour to secure from the Development Fund a Grant of £900 towards the cost of boring along the route of the projected Mid-Scotland ship canal for the purpose of enabling the engineers to secure the data necessary to form an accurate estimate of the cost of constructing a short and safe route for British shipping for European and American traffic and for the Empire's Navy?

The SECRETARY for SCOTLAND (Mr. McKinnon Wood)

The scheme referred to is so large in its scope and purpose as to suggest the necessity of caution in dealing with even such a preliminary survey as my hon. Friends contemplate. As the purposes covered by the Development Act, however, include the construction and improvement of inland navigations, I should be prepared, on the clear understanding that the Government is in no way committed to approval of any scheme, to consider any arguments which my hon. Friends may wish to lay before me in support of this proposal for a preliminary survey.


Has the right hon. Gentleman collected figures as to the expense of other countries in reference to canals and ascertained how this country compares in that respect?


No. I have not collated those figures. I believe that we have had reports upon the subject.


May I urge the right hon. Gentleman to make the same reply when we ask for a Grant to improve the Trent and Burton canal.

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