HC Deb 05 February 1913 vol 47 cc2203-4
70. Mr. HOGGE

asked the Home Secretary whether he is taking any steps to give effect to the recommendation of the Royal Commission on Vivisection?


I have given careful consideration to the recommendations of the Royal Commission, and I am now in a position to give practical effect to nearly all of them. The new administrative arrangements are already far advanced. I have obtained the consent of the Treasury to increase the inspectorate to four by the appointment of two additional inspectors, and to make the present senior inspector chief inspector for the whole country. The new inspectors will be qualified medical men and will give their whole time to the work. The appointments will be made at an early date. I further propose as speedily as possible to constitute, in accordance with the recommendation of the Commission, an advisory body to guide me with professional advice in the exercise of my powers. The Royal Society and the Royal Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons have, with a public spirit which I cordially recognise, consented to assist me in the selection of the members of the advisory body in the manner suggested by the Commission. I propose to publish the names of the persons appointed in due course.


Does the right hon. Gentleman admit the recommendations of the Commission as to the full responsibility of the Secretary of State?


Yes, Sir.

Sir J. D. REES

What will be the cost to the taxpayers of the creation of these new offices?


Not a very large amount. In addition to the existing two, I we are appointing two more.


Who will get the Jobs?


They are not jobs.