HC Deb 09 April 1913 vol 51 cc1157-9
29. Mr. F. HALL

asked the Secretary of State for War if his attention has been called to the remarks made recently by the Commanding Officer of the Honourable Artillery Company as to the inadequate facilities provided for gun practice; whether in any case during the past year any Territorial regiment has been unable to carry out the prescribed amount of practice to render the men thoroughly efficient owing to the overcrowded conditions of the ranges placed at their disposal; and if he will state what amount is proposed to be expended this year in increasing the accommodation for Territorial training?

The SECRETARY of STATE for WAR (Colonel Seely)

In no case during the past year has any unit of the Territorial Artillery been unable to carry out the prescribed amount of gun practice. Full use was made of the ranges which were not in any way congested. While the range at Ad Fines is closed this year for drainage and other purposes, arrangements are being made for the hire of a range in South Wales. My attention, however, has just been drawn to a case at Braunton, in North Devon, where, on a range which has been used by Territorial Artillery for the last two years, the Saunton Golf Club has constructed two holes in such a way as to make it impossible for firing to be carried out while play is in progress. The club has been asked to permit firing over the holes during two periods of only five days each in the year, but has, I am informed, not yet seen its way to agree to this request. There was a certain amount of opposition from other local interests, but this has been withdrawn.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that the commanding officer referred to in the question stated that the Artillery had obsolete arms and was allowed to practice only once in two years? Is that statement correct or not?

Colonel SEELY

The first part does not arise out of this question. With regard to the second part, I have given the answer that full use was made of the ranges, that they were not congested, and that there has been no case during the past year of any unit of the Territorial Artillery being unable to carry out its gun practice. I regret the particular case mentioned in the second part of the question, and I hope the House will support me in any necessary measures that may be taken, not in regard to this particular golf club, but in similar cases, to prevent the training of the troops being interfered with for reasons of this kind.


Are we to understand that every Territorial Horse and Artillery Battery practised during the past year?

Colonel SEELY

I cannot go further than report the answer furnished to me by my responsible authorities. If there is a particular case in regard to which that reply is not correct, I shall be glad if the hon. and gallant Member will tell me of it.


When the right hon. Gentleman says that the batteries carried out the prescribed practice, is it not a fact that batteries are only required to practice every alternate year?

Colonel SEELY

That is a matter for another question. I was asked whether they carried out the amount prescribed.

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