HC Deb 09 October 1912 vol 42 cc351-3

asked the Home Secretary whether his attention has been called to the prosecution of Mr. Ebury and Miss O'Brien for taking collections in the streets of Bow and Bromley at meetings held under the auspices of the "Clarion" Van Committee, and that in each case fines were inflicted by the magistrate; whether he is aware that at similar meetings held before and after the alleged offence by the same man in other districts of London collections were taken and no complaint made, and that only during the visit to Bow and Bromley were any proceedings taken, and that in the same road, at the same time as the collections were taken by Mr. Ebury and Miss O'Brien, the Salvation Army took collections and continue to do so without any interference by the police; and whether under the circumstances, he will issue such instructions as will secure that the law shall be administered in such a manner as not to differentiate between political or religious bodies?


My attention has been drawn to this matter. One of the Regulations made under the Metropolitan Streets Act, 1903, prohibits collections in the carriageway, but allows them in the footway if they do not cause obstruction or annoyance. The Commissioner of Police informs me that on three or four successive days Mr. Ebury and Miss O'Brien, in spite of repeated warnings from police on the spot, persisted in breaking this Regulation. After this deliberate breach of the law they were both summoned. Miss O'Brien gave an under- taking not to offend again, and the magistrate discharged her on payment of the costs of her summons, but Mr. Ebury refused to give an undertaking and was fined. The collections referred to of the Salvation Army were, I am informed, made from the footway.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that this man had taken exactly similar collections right throughout the summer in every other part of London, and in the Poplar parish portion of this particular borough, and proceedings against him were only taken in reference to his action in Bow and Bromley, and that since the summonses he has taken collections regularly in Bethnal Green, Hackney, and every other part of the Metropolis?


I was not aware of the circumstances stated by my hon. Friend, nor do I gather from what my hon. Friend states that in the other cases the collection was made on the carriage way. As I understand, it is legal to make a collection on the footway, but not on the carriage way.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that the collections for the last thirty years have been made in the carriage way and on the footway; and that this man, who was fined for making collections in Bow and Bromley, made exactly similar collections in the road and carriage way in Poplar, Bethnal Green, and all the surrounding districts, and that the same collections are being made now both by the Salvation Army and other people?


I can assure my hon. Friend Miss O'Brien and Mr. Ebury were extremely lucky in not having got into trouble before.


Will the right hon. Gentleman kindly answer the last part of my question and tell me by what right the Police Commissioner singles out the "Clarion" Van for prosecution, and does not proceed against other people who to my knowledge do [...]tly the same thing in the same road and at the same time?.


From the information given to me, I understand my hon. Friend does not accept it.


I was there.


The information given to me is that the other case was on the footway, and in this case it was on the carriage way.


Will the right hon. Gentleman allow evidence to be put before him as to the statements of those who gave him the information. Nobody objects if the Salvation Army is prosecuted as well as the Socialists of the "Clarion" Van?


Can the right hon. Gentleman say why while the Liberals are in office there are so many petty prosecutions?