HC Deb 27 November 1911 vol 32 c25

asked the Prime Minister whether his attention has been called to the withholding of a licence for the performance of Monsieur Henri Bataille's play "La Vierge Folle," by the Lord Chamberlain, on the ground that the question has been referred by him to an advisory committee, two members of which body are abroad; and whether the Government propose to take any steps to carry out the recommendations of the joint committee upon the dramatic censorship?

The HON. MEMBER added

Since I put the question on the Paper I have received information that the play has been licensed. Perhaps the right hon. Gentleman will answer the second part of my question, and say whether the announcement in today's papers as to the appointment of an examiner of plays is correct?


The Prime Minister has asked me to reply to this question. I am informed that this play was submitted to the Reader of Plays on the 13th of this month, and on his report it was referred on the 17th by the Lord Chamberlain to the Advisory Board. The Board examined the play and reported favourably, and on the 21st the manager was informed that the play was licensed. It is not the case that two members of the Board were abroad—they were all in England when the play was submitted to them. As at present advised, I do not propose to take any steps with regard to the dramatic censorship.