HC Deb 15 November 1911 vol 31 c381

I desire to draw your attention, Mr. Speaker, to a reference to yourself in the "Spectator" of Saturday last. A suggestion is made in the leading article, which is afterwards followed up by a reference in the notes on the front page. I raise it, not because it will make any difference to our loyalty to you, but on account of its bearing on the important office you hold. The extract is as follows: We feel sure that in him (the Speaker) the Unionist party has a great unrealised asset, and if he can be persuaded to leave the Speakership and undertake the work it is almost impossible to exaggerate the effect which such a choice would have upon the fortunes of the Unionist party. This, I think, is the more objectionable part:— The respect for and the obedience habitually shown to the Speaker would make the task of uniting the various sections of the Unionist party for him comparatively easy. I wish to ask whether that does not reflect upon the high office which you hold?


I do not understand the object of the hon. Member. I do not understand that he wishes to raise this as any breach of privilege. If he does he is, of course, four days too late. If he simply raises it in order to have my opinion I shall be very glad to give it him in private.


Go back to your company promoting.


Have you any objection to give the hon. Member an advertisement publicly?