HC Deb 11 December 1911 vol 32 cc1881-2

asked whether the demand of the Russian Government, supported by His Majesty's Government, is that future appointments of foreigners to official positions in Persia must be made subject to approval by Russia, in the Russian sphere and by His Majesty's Government in the British sphere; and is this power of veto to extend to the Gulf Region of Persia, and, if so, which Power is to have the veto there?

Mr. ILLINGWORTH (Lord of the Treasury)

The demand is that Persia should not engage foreigners without the previous consent of the British and Russian Legations: there is no mention of spheres of interest in the demand. His Majesty's Government were informed beforehand that this demand would be made and they acquiesced; but they were not asked for their support. In practice until recently the two Governments have been consulted about appointments of foreigners.