HC Deb 04 November 1909 vol 12 cc1988-9

asked if the hon. Gentleman can state whether any representative of the working classes of Trinidad will be appointed on the Commission that is being created to revise the customs tariff of that Colony; and whether evidence will be permitted by a representative or representatives of the people, inasmuch as they are the greater sufferers by such customs tariffs?

Colonel SEELY

The Committee referred to has already reported. The Secretary of State has not a full list of the Members, but he understands that the Committee only differed slightly in composition from the Customs Tariff Revision Committee which reported in 1907. The Secretary of State is not aware whether any evidence was taken by the Committee of this year. Their work consisted in re- vising the recommendations of the previous Committee, on which, as my hon. Friend is no doubt aware, the official members were in a minority. That Committee heard evidence from and received two deputations of working men.


May I ask whether, if further evidence be taken during the coming year, that witnesses will be called from the working classes of Trinidad?

Colonel SEELY

I will consider that, but I am not sure.


Does the hon. Gentleman's answer apply to both blacks and whites?

Colonel SEELY

Of course, to both.