HC Deb 22 April 1909 vol 3 c1655

asked whether there is any ground for assuming that His Majesty's Government have in any way whatever given diplomatic support to the so-called Liberal Union in Turkey or criticised the action of the Committee of Union and Progress; and whether the Young Turks had received hitherto, and could still count on, the sympathetic support of His Majesty's Government in any steps they may take to maintain the constitution?


The answer to both the first questions is in the negative. The answer to the last question is that His Majesty's Government have consistently welcomed the establishment of Constitutional Government in Turkey since its introduction in July last, but that they refrain from any intervention in party politics, as being outside the province of a foreign Government. As to our general attitude, I need only repeat what was said by the Prime Minister at Glasgow on the 17th, that our only desire is to see the Turkish Government carry out a policy of reform and of good and just administration; and that any Turkish Government which pursues these objects honestly with a single eye to the public interest may count upon the continued and strong sympathy of His Majesty's Government.

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