HC Deb 10 December 1908 vol 198 cc753-4
MR. CLELAND (Glasgow, Bridgeton)

I beg to ask the Secretary for Scotland whether his attention has been drawn to the refusal of the Scottish Local Government Board to receive a deputation from the Glasgow Distress Committee, with reference to the Board's attitude towards the Distress Works at Tollcross Park; and whether, having regard to the exceptional distress at present existing in Glasgow, and the probable immediate discharge of a number of the unemployed at present engaged upon these undertakings as a result of the Board's decision, he will, as Chairman of the Scottish Local Government Board, bring pressure to bear upon that body to receive a deputation as requested by the Glasgow Distress Committee.


The Board, who were acting with my concurrence as President, did not deem it consistent with consideration to the Glasgow Distress Committee, to receive a deputation in regard to a matter on which the views of the Committee and the Board had already been very fully expressed. Since, as I understand from my hon. friend, the Committee desire to urge new considerations I have no doubt the Board will be glad to receive a deputation from them on representations being made to that effect.