HC Deb 27 June 1907 vol 177 cc91-2
MR. O'GRADY (Leeds, E.)

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for India whether his attention has been called to the action of Major Kemp, local district surgeon at Cocanada, who assaulted and severely injured a Madhwa student, and subsequently dragged him to the police station, handing him over to arrest for having said Bande Mataram on the high road; whether the student on regaining consciousness and asking for medical help was refused; whether as a result of this conduct, the excited people attacked the English club, leaving it in ruins: whether the district magistrate was also attacked, and that serious unrest is apprehended, sixty reserve police having to be sent from Rajahmundry; and, if so, what steps will be taken to allay the unrest and in the matter of Major Kemp's action.


I have seen a Report from the district magistrate to the effect that a boy who shouted Bande Mataram and put out his tongue at Captain Kemp was chastised by that officer. I am not aware that the boy was ever unconscious, and it is not the case that medical assistance was refused, for, at the request of his father, the assistant surgeon was sent to see him. In the attempt to wreck the English club the district magistrate was injured while endeavouring to restore order. Fifty-two persons have been sent up for trial, and additional police have been stationed at Coconada. So far as I am aware no further special measures are thought necessary.