HC Deb 28 March 1901 vol 92 c73
MR. HOGG (Sussex, Eastbourne)

I beg to ask the Secretary to the Treasury, as representing the Postmaster General, if he can state why the Eastbourne postmen have been called upon to refund moneys duly earned by them respecting Christmas overtime; and whether he is aware that the times of attendance were altered by the acting postmaster, thus causing men to work considerably over their eight hours, and the suspension of one delivery subsequently causing a double delivery.


The claims for extra duty performed by the Eastbourne postmen to which the hon. Member refers appear to be those for 21st December. As the extra time claimed for was larger than the circumstances seemed to justify, the matter was reserved for special inquiry, and the postmen were called upon to refund provisionally the money paid. The inquiry is proceeding, and if the claims are substantiated they will be paid, including any extra duty owing to altered times of attendance.