HC Deb 27 April 1900 vol 82 cc243-4

On the Motion for Adjournment:—

MR. HERBERT LEWIS (Flint Boroughs)

I wish to ask the right hon. Gentleman whether the Government have received any information with regard to the deplorable fire that has taken place at Ottawa, beyond what has appeared in the evening papers. I believe that the latest telegram received was dated nine o'clock this morning. Those of us who have taken an interest in Canada naturally feel extremely anxious about the state of the capital of the Dominion, and I am sure that hon. Gentlemen on both sides of the House deeply sympathise with the people of Ottawa, and the whole people of Canada in the calamity which has fallen upon them.


The anxiety to which the hon. Gentleman has given expression will be felt not only in this House and in this country, but throughout the whole Empire. I do not wish to say more upon the subject until we are in a position to judge of the extent which this great calamity has taken in the capital of our largest colony. I am sorry to say I have no information to give to the House. My right hon. friend the Secretary for the Colonies has not been present here this evening, but I think I should probably have received any information that he had had from Canada. Under these circumstances I can do no more than re-echo the general expression of sympathy to which the hon. Gentleman has given utterance.

Adjourned at ten minutes after Twelve of the clock till Monday next.