HC Deb 18 May 1896 vol 40 c1566
DR. TANNER (Cork Co., Mid)

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, (1) is he aware that, at a recent inquiry in the County Cork Gaol, the solicitor, Mr. Julian, who was employed to defend the case, was not allowed the attendance of his clerk; (2) why the application of Mr. Julian to have the case postponed, in order that the defendant should have the services of another solicitor, was refused; and, (3) is he also aware that Mr. Julian required a shorthand writer to take down the case, in consequence of suffering from a sprained wrist?


The fact is correctly stated in the first paragraph. It appears that Mr. Julian requested that the inquiry should be adjourned in order that another solicitor might be employed, and this having been declined as unreasonable, he requested that the warder should be allowed to conduct his defence on the lines pointed out by Mr. Julian. The latter course was adopted, and Mr. Julian interviewed the warder before the inquiry was opened, and instructed him as to how he should conduct his defence. Mr. Julian's application for a reporter to be admitted to the inquiry was refused in accordance with the invariable rule, as the inquiry was in no sense a public one held in open Court.


Will the right hon. Gentleman look into this matter, and see that there is fair play?


Yes, Sir, I will look into it in the ordinary course.