HC Deb 04 May 1891 vol 353 c50
SIR G. CAMPBELL (Kirkcaldy, &c.)

I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for India what are the railways for which the Secretary of State has given or offered a guarantee, and what is the amount and duration of the guarantee in each of such cases; and whether, in cases in which a concession has been given, any deposit or security has been exacted to bind the applicants, or whether in any cases concessions have been given which leave the concessionaires free to take them up if they find they can raise the money so as to make a profit for themselves, or to throw them up if they cannot?


A proposed company for making a railway from Chittagong to Assam is the only one to which such a guarantee has been offered. The Secretary of State does not think it would be fair to the promoters of that company to promulgate the terms of the guarantee in reply to the question of the hon. Member.


The right hon. Gentleman has not answered the last paragraph of my question, as to the security which it is proposed to exact.


That would be promulgating the terms of the guarantee, which my noble Friend the Secretary of State is unwilling to do.