HC Deb 06 March 1891 vol 351 c435
MR. CHANNING (Northampton, E.)

I beg to ask the President of the Local Government Board what steps have been taken for selecting and nominating a member of the Royal Commission on Vaccination in the place of Mr. Brad-laugh; and whether, having regard to the importance of securing throughout the inquiry, so far as may be, an adequate representation of those out of whose complaint the Commission has arisen, he will advise the immediate nomination of a suitable parson to fill the vacancy holding the general opinions on the question held by the late Mr. Bradlaugh?


I do not know what opinions Mr. Bradlaugh held on the subject of vaccination at the time of his death, but I had confidence in his independence and judgment, and felt he might be relied upon to give full weight to the evidence produced before the Commission. I have been in communication with more than one gentleman recently with a view to filling the vacancy caused by Mr. Bradlaugh's death, but am not yet in a position to make any announcement to the House on the subject.


The right hon. Gentleman is aware that Mr. Bradlaugh was accepted as a representative of those who are opposed to compulsory vaccination?


Yes; I am aware it was the case, and I feel that in selecting some one in his place I am bound to give weight to that consideration.