HC Deb 05 March 1891 vol 351 c235
MR. AINSLIE (Lancashire, N. Lonsdale)

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for War if he could explain on what grounds the grant of 12s. par efficient Volunteer is held to be enough for the provision of the equipments required under the regulations in the cases of country battalions; if he is aware that the lowest charge at which these equipments are procurable is 18s.; if he can make a distinction in favour of battalions whoso detachments are widely scattered; and if he is aware that the regulation which limits this grant of 12s. to efficients on the previous October will adversely affect those corps which were below their strength at that time?


At the time the grant was fixed at 12s., it was supposed that that sum would fairly provide the articles of equipment in which Volunteers were usually deficient. It is found, however, that the demand for such large supplies in a short period has had the effect of inflating prices. I am further considering as to the date when the equipment must be complete. I shall be glad if my hon. Friend will repeat his question a short time hence.