HC Deb 04 June 1891 vol 353 c1608
MR. H. GLADSTONE (Leeds, W.)

I beg to ask the First Commissioner of Works whether, having regard to the growth of the population of London, and the increasing absorption of the open spaces available for outdoor sports in and near the Metropolis, he will consider the possibility of allowing cricket to be played at stated hours, on all or certain days of the week, and under any necessary restrictions, in the north-west corner of Hyde Park?


The question of allowing cricket to be played in Hyde Park has often been raised for many years past, and I should, of course, be glad to afford the same facilities for the game in Hyde Park as are enjoyed in Regent's Park; but the circumstances of the two parks as to demands upon the space by other sections of the public are quite different, and I must reluctantly adhere to the refusal which has always hitherto been given.


May I ask whether the right hon. Gentleman has visited the north-western portion of the park in the evening?


Yes, Sir, I have, both morning and evening, and in the middle of the day also.


I shall call attention to this question at the first opportunity.