HC Deb 03 July 1890 vol 346 c687
MR. SYDNEY BUXTON (Tower Hamlets, Poplar)

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether, with a view to obtain the general assent of the House to the Industrial Schools Bill, he can see his way to leave unrepealed Sections 27, 28, and 36 of the Education Act, 1870, so that the powers at present possessed by School Boards of maintaining, managing, and contributing to industrial schools, and of appointing officers for the purpose of bringing industrial school cases before the Magistrates, may be left unaffected?


I have no assurance that the general assent of the House to the Industrial Schools Bill would be secured even by the radical changes in that Bill suggested by the hon. Member. I hope before long to be able to meet the Representatives of the School Boards, and to discuss with them the provisions they object to, with a view of arriving, if possible, at some arrangement.