HC Deb 11 August 1890 vol 348 c494
MR. JOHN KELLY (Camberwell, N.)

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether he is aware that an attempt was made to assassinate Mr. Francis J. Kelly, J.P., as he was driving out of his grounds near Ennis on the 1st instant, and that the outrage was denounced by the Rev. Father Walsh, P.P., at Mass at Banfield on the 3rd instant; and whether, as the result of such demonstration or otherwise, any of the three persons known to have been concerned in the attempted assassination has as yet been arrested? In the latter part of the question there is the word "denounced" instead of "enunciation."


The Constabulary Authorities report that it is the case an attempt was made to assassinate Mr. Francis J. Kelly, J.P., two of the bullets lodging in the horse conveying him. This outrage was denounced as stated in the question. No result has as yet followed.