HC Deb 24 July 1889 vol 338 c1229

Considered in Committee.

(In the Committee).

* MR. MURPHY (Dublin, St. Patrick's)

I am afraid there are proposals in this Bill that have been made without sufficient inquiry and notice. I have no wish to stop the progress of the Bill altogether, but I think more inquiry is necessary as to its effect on steam trawling in Ireland, and in order to give opportunity for that I now beg to move to report Progress.

Motion made, and Question proposed, "That the Chairman do now leave the Chair to make his Report to the House."

DR. TANNER (Cork County, Mid)

I think, before this Motion is put, I may prevail upon my hon. Friend to consent to some little progress being made with the clauses. Of course, during my recent entertainment by Her Majesty's Government in Clonmel Gaol, I have not had opportunity of making myself acquainted with matters before the House as I could wish, but I understand that many Members of the parts to which I have the honour to belong have taken interest in this measure as concerning the fishing industry of our country, and I think we might make some progress with the clauses, at any rate, until any material point of difficulty arises. I confess I speak with some reserve in the absence of my right hon. Friend the Lord Mayor of Dublin, who has given some attention to this Bill.

Question put, and negatived.

Bill reported, without Amendment; to be read the third time on Monday next.