HC Deb 09 July 1889 vol 337 c1829

I beg to ask the Secretary to the Local Government Board if the Crown exercise title and control over the sands at Bournemouth; and, if so, why are the public not allowed the free use of the foreshore for bathing and fishing; and, why has the present system of licenses for refreshment and amusement stalls been introduced?


The matter referred to by the hon. Member concerns the Bournemouth Improvement Commissioners, and I have, therefore, been asked to reply to the question. I am informed by the Commissioners that the public are allowed free use of the beach and foreshore for the purposes of bathing and fishing, subject as to the bathing to the regulations contained in the bye-laws of the Commissioners. It is stated that there is very little fishing, but what there is is not interfered with. The Commissioners further state that they have a lease from Sir George Meyrick of the sea frontage of their district for the purpose of enabling them to make regulations for the good order and comfort of those who frequent the beach, and it appears that the Commissioners have for the last few years granted licenses to persons to place stalls for refreshments on the beach and for certain amusements there. This seems to have been done in order to prevent such matters becoming a nuisance to persons on the beach, but I understand that the right of the Commissioners in this respect is now the subject of an action in the High Court of Justice, and that it is expected that the case will shortly be heard.