HC Deb 02 July 1889 vol 337 c1256
MR. CAREW (Kildare, N.)

I beg to ask the Postmaster General whether the 14 vacancies in the senior class at the Central Telegraph Office, shown in the Estimates for 1889–90, were filled up in December 1887, in favour of clerks who had been waiting at the maximum of their class for 22 months and less; and, whether he will take into consideration the desirability of anticipating the increase in the senior class for next year, in favour of the clerks who have been waiting for two years and four months at the maximum of their class, and are thus in a worse position than the clerks for whose benefit the vacancies for this year were anticipated?

* THE POSTMASTER GENERAL (Mr. RAIKES,) University of Cambridge

The telegraphists who were promoted to the vacancies existing in the senior class in December, 1887, had been in receipt of the maximum pay of the class next below since the 1st of April, 1886. In reply to the second question of the hon. Member I can only state that it is not in my power to make appointments where vacancies do not exist.