HC Deb 28 February 1889 vol 333 c581

asked the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs if his attention has been directed to a large number of persons, mechanics and labourers—400 alone from the city of Limerick—who left per steamer Dresden, from Queenstown to Buenos Ayres, on about the 15th of January last; and, whether, having regard to the expression of high ecclesiastical and lay opinion in Ireland as to the danger of numbers of these emigrants being left destitute after their arrival, he will direct Her Majesty's Consular Agent at the Argentine Republic to make inquiries as to their present condition and prospects, with a view to give reliable information in case of any further projected emigration to that country?


said, the attention of Her Majesty's Government has been for some time directed to the large extent to which emigration to the Argentine Republic has increased, and they have been in communication with Her Majesty's Representative at Buenos Ayres on the subject, and are considering whether any special agency is necessary for the purposes mentioned in the Question of the hon. Member.