HC Deb 15 August 1889 vol 339 c1352
MR. O'DOHERTY (Donegal, N.)

I beg to ask the Postmaster General whether orders for goods from Co-operative Stores in London are treated as circulars, and pass at halfpenny rates, subject to the right expressly reserved of keeping them back if there is a pressure of business; whether such orders in any way differ from Railway advices of goods and notices of default by loan fund banks in Ireland, which are held to be letters; and, whether he can see his way to treat both classes alike?


Orders for goods have, no privilege as circular letters, but, provided they are not in the form of letters, at all, they have been held admissible at the book-post rate. The railway advices of goods and notices of default by loan fund banks in Ireland, to which on a former occasion the hon. Member has called my attention, are distinctly letters, and, not being circular letters, are chargeable with the ordinary letter rate of postage. I regret I am not in a position to treat the advices and notices referred to otherwise than as letters. But I propose to examine carefully during the Recess the existing regulations with regard to circulars, which in their present form appear to present many anomalies.