HC Deb 15 April 1889 vol 335 c486

asked the hon. Member for the Penrith Division of Cumberland whether the Charity Commission had any and what information respecting the extent to which scholarships and exhibitions in schools, for which schemes have been made under the Endowed Schools Acts, are held by the children of poor persons?

MR. J. W. LOWTHER (Cumberland, Penrith)

The information which the Charity Commission possesses upon this matter is contained in those Returns which are to be found at pp. 476, 495 and 525 of the appendix to the Report of the Select Committee on Endowed Schools, 1887. The first Return shows that out of 2,987 scholarships and exhibitions 1,145 were held by children from elementary schools in 1882. The second Return gives the occupation of parents of boys admitted to the United Westminster Schools. The third Return, from 101 secondary endowed schools under scheme, gives particulars of the scholarships, occupation and wages of parents, and subsequent fortunes of the scholars therein, and shows that to a most satisfactory extent the children of the poor, and even of the very poorest, can, and do, benefit by such scholarships and exhibitions.