HC Deb 05 April 1889 vol 334 c1713
MR. HANBURY-TRACY (Montgomery, &c.)

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for War whether it is true that 20 batteries of Garrison Artillery are without majors, and are commanded by captains, thereby unduly retarding the promotion of officers of the latter rank; if it is proposed to establish any limit to the number of batteries without majors; and, whether any arrangement has been made with a view of massing the depots of Garrison Artillery, as recommended by the late Royal Commission?


Yes, Sir; it is true that there are at present 20 batteries of Artillery without majors and commanded by captains. There is a fixed establishment of 275 majors for the Royal Artillery, 48 of whom are for employment on the Staff; if any beyond this number are so employed a lieutenant is promoted to the rank of captain to fill the vacancy, and consequently there must be a certain number of batteries without majors. Details for the redistribution and concentration of the Garrison Artillery are now being worked out.