HC Deb 30 November 1888 vol 331 c591
MR. CAREW (Kildare, N.)

asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Whether his attention has been called to a report of an attack made by certain members of the Kildare Hunt on Mr. George Saunders, of Car-nalway, as stated by himself in The Leinster Leader of the 24th instant; whether it is a fact that Mr. Saunders for a number of years past did not allow the huntsmen to trespass on his farm, and that on Monday the 19th instant the huntsmen forced their way into his farm and violently struck him with their whips, and that one of the huntsmen beat Mr. Saunders severely with a shovel, and nearly cut off three of his fingers with same; whether the son of Mr. Saunders was also assaulted and beaten by some of the huntsmen on this occasion; and whether proceedings will be taken under the Criminal Law and Procedure (Ireland) Act against these huntsmen for having entered into a criminal conspiracy to compel and induce Mr. Saunders to do what he had a legal right to refrain from doing?

THE SOLICITOR GENERAL FOR IRELAND (Mr. MADDEN)(who replied) (Dublin University)

said, his attention had been called to the report referred to, and he was informed that it was exaggerated. It appeared that the dispute occurred in regard to a claim of right of way, and in the course of the dispute some of Mr. Saunders' fingers were slightly injured. It was not a fact, however, that they were nearly cut off. There was no evidence in this case of criminal conspiracy; and, therefore, no prosecution could be taken under the Crimes Act. If Mr. Saunders felt himself aggrieved he could have recourse to the usual legal remedy.