HC Deb 17 May 1888 vol 326 c551
MR. ERNEST SPENCER (West Bromwich)

asked the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Whether be is aware that the Austrian Government suddenly, without any previous warning or notice of any kind, have decided that bicycles and tricycles should be ranged in the class of carriages or personal vehicles, and that, under such regulation, the duty payable on each bicycle or tricycle imported will be florins 25 gold or £2 10s. (circa), and also that such duty should come into operation on the 10th of May instant; and, that, inasmuch as this measure will practically ruin the very considerable export business done by this country with Austria in the sale of bicycles and tricycles, whether he would communicate with the Austrian Government on the subject, with a view to securing the withdrawal of the impost?


Inquiry will be made, and such action taken as, in the circumstances, may be possible.