HC Deb 12 March 1888 vol 323 c863
MR. J. ROWLANDS (Finsbury, E.)

asked the President of the Local Government Board, Whether complaints have reached him that the overseers omitted to send voting papers to the occupiers in Cavendish Buildings, Clerkenwell Road, E.C., for the election of Guardians last year and the year before; whether the Local Government Board has received a request from one of the occupiers in Cavendish Buildings that they would take steps to prevent the recurrence of this omission for the future; whether they have taken such steps; and, if not, whether they will do so at once, before the next election, which will shortly take place; and, whether they will send a general Circular to the overseers in the Metropolis reminding them to send voting papers to all the occupiers in artizans' dwellings?

THE PRESIDENT (Mr. RITCHIE) (Tower Hamlets, St. George's)

In November last one of the occupiers of Cavendish Buildings made inquiry why at the last election of Guardians, which took place more than six months previously, voting papers were not supplied to the occupiers of the buildings referred to. The Board are informed by the returning officer that, so far as he can ascertain, voting papers have always been sent to the occupiers of artizans' dwellings in the Holborn Union who are entitled to vote in the election of Guardians. No complaint in this matter has been made to him or to the overseers by any occupier of these buildings. There are at present no facts before me which show that there is any necessity for any such communication as is suggested.