HC Deb 12 March 1888 vol 323 c853

asked the Secretary to the Treasury, Why the examinations for Lower Division clerkships in the Civil Service, usually held in or about January, May, and October, have been suspended; will these examinations be held in the future, as formerly, at regular intervals; when is it probable the next examination will be held; and, whether in consequence of the delay in holding such examinations, candidates who have been specially preparing for them, and who are now nearing the superior limit of age, will be disqualified if that limit be exceeded at the time of holding the next examination, and be thus deprived of their chance of entering the Public Service, through no fault of their own?


I answered a Question of the hon. Member for North Sligo (Mr. P. McDonald) to the same effect as this one on the 23rd ultimo; but I may repeat that these examinations are only held when required on account of vacancies which cannot be filled by means of transfers from other Departments, and that no date has been fixed for the next examination.