HC Deb 02 March 1888 vol 323 c13
MR. LEA (Londonderry, S.)

asked the Secretary to the Treasury, If the time for repayment of the loans to purchasers, under the Irish Land Act of 1870, has been extended to the full extent proposed in the Land Act of last year; and, if not, can he state on what grounds?


Sub-section 1 of Section 24 of the Land Act (Ireland) 1887, has been carried out to the full extent contemplated by the Legislature. The power of further extension of the period of repayment given by Sub-section 2 is optional and dependent upon special circumstances; very few applications for the exercise of it have been received; only four are now open; and these are under the consideration of the Board of Works.


By "optional," do you mean optional for the Treasury or optional for the persons?


Optional for the Treasury, of course. I believe the words of the Act are, "it may be extended." I should be glad to speak to the hon. Gentleman about it.