HC Deb 28 June 1888 vol 327 c1558
DR. COMMINS (Roscommon, S.)

asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Whether, on Saturday the 24th instant, Mr. Michael Noud, T.C., of Roscommon, having driven from there to Boyle, a distance of 20 miles, upon important business, on arriving there at 1.30 p.m. and calling at the only hotel in the town, Monson's Hotel, was refused admission or refreshment for himself or his horse by order of the police, who told the hotel owner to "admit no outsiders;" whether Mr. Noud again applied at 4.30 p.m., and was again refused for the same reason, and was obliged to drive to Elphin, a distance of nine miles, before he could get anything to eat or drink; whether Noud's son and two others who were in his company were treated in the same way, although they, as well as Mr. Noud, claimed and were entitled to be served as bonâ fide travellers, and were ready and willing to pay for what they required; and, if the facts stated are found correct, what steps the Government propose to take in the matter?


The local Constabulary authorities report that on Sunday (not Saturday), the 24th, in view of apprehended disturbances, the magistrates ordered that all sellers of retail drink should close their houses. In accordance with this order—not by order of the police—Mr. Noud and his party were refused admission to Monson'S Hotel, which was included in the order.