HC Deb 26 June 1888 vol 327 c1287
MR. MARK STEWART (Kirkcudbright)

asked Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, with reference to the correspondence between himself and the Secretary for Scotland on Local Taxation (Parliamentary Paper, C. 5418), On what principle does he base his calculations that the share of Scotland is one-third of the whole Probate Duty—namely, £1,420,000, to be devoted to the relief of local taxation, will only amount to £156,000—namely, 11 per cent; what is the proportion per cent, and amount, it is proposed to give to England and Ireland respectively; and, whether the present grant to medical relief and to lunatic poor (seeing there is no mention of these grants in the correspondence) will be continued during the present year as heretofore?


In reply to the hon. Member's first Question, I can only give him the same answer which I gave to the hon. Baronet the Member for Kirkcaldy (Sir George Campbell) on the 23rd of April last, that the figure of 11 per cent is based upon a very complex calculation, involving the use of several independent sets of figures, the results of one set being checked by those of another. I added that the net result was nearer 10 than 11 per cent, and that I had every reason to believe that the figures I adopted were favourable to Scotland. In reply to his second Question, I have to say that the proportion of Probate Duty to be given to England and Wales is 80 per cent, and to Ireland 9 per cent. The amount of Probate Duty to be given to England and Wales will, on this calculation, be £1,136,000, and to Ireland £127,000, in 1888–9. My answer to his third Question is, Yes.