HC Deb 22 June 1888 vol 327 c995
MR. CLANCY (Dublin Co., N.)

I wish to ask the First Lord of the Treasury whether the rumour is true that the Government intend to drop five more clauses of the Local Government Bill, and, if that question be answered in the affirmative, whether it would not be for the convenience of the House to announce at once the entire number of clauses which will be abandoned, instead of giving the information by instalments?

THE FIRST LORD (Mr. W. H. SMITH) (Strand, Westminster)

I am not aware of the rumours to which the hon. Member has referred, and, therefore, I am quite unable to answer the Question he has put to me. The Government have given Notice of their intention to drop certain clauses of the Bill, and to that Notice they will adhere. It will be quite time, if it becomes necessary to drop any other clauses of the Bill, in consequence of prolonged discussion, it will be quite time enough for us, when that necessity arises, if it arises in consequence of that discussion, to make a statement to the House upon the question.